Saturday 2 April 2016

Love is a phenomena

Love is a phenomena
Late night thinking made me write this. I wonder if engineering is really where I should be.

I don’t know
How would I know
I know him
I love him
But is it him I will always love
How do you know love
Love is more than just a word
One word
Is he the only one
As far as I know no other compares to my one
But I want to go far
Is he ready to go far
I am ready for love
I am ready for him
I am ready
I am
I am utterly and completely in love with him
I am scared


Monday 24 November 2014

Wondering about the future!!

Ok! So it's been a while!  But it's not because I haven't been creative! It's th e uploading part that takes time;) so here is a little poem about the future!;)


Do you ever wonder who you are?

Have you ever thought about what you want?

Is it ever possible to really know it all?

Will I become who I am meant to be?


I hope you enjoy it, I will put a lovely picture with it from London!


Monday 6 October 2014

Oh my darling!

 HALLO lovely reader? Whom ever you may be!

Here we go again! This time with some inspiration from a musuem - a little fact about me, I am a sucker for musuems! This formed from a exibition about Renaissance sculptures from the Victoria and Albert musuem in London. As I was writing it kind of reminded me of my sister - who is out and about finding her own way in the world! She could be my renaissance girl? 

Here you go

Oh, my Renaissance!

"As I sit here at the dock
Waiting for the clock to strike twelve
I wonder – where are you?
Oh lovely girl, so sweet, so innocent
My renaissance girl – what are you doing today?
In this dock, I no longer can find you
Where will you travel today?
Out and about my renaissance girl
Will I get to you today?
I wonder – where are you, my renaissance girl

Will you ever find your way?"

By SnitzDK

As usual - some appropriate music!

Tuesday 30 September 2014

? That's on my mind

Hey you guys - who ever might be reading this!
Time for some more exitment! So what is this poem or whatever it is..
I honestly don't really know myself - but here you go!

Waiting on a question.
That’s like waiting for rain on a sunny day, because sometimes, just every once in a while, everybody wants rain.
SO why don’t you ask me? Just how my day was or if I want to go with you to the bookshop.
 How a question be so hard?
You tell me – YES YOU TELL ME?
Maybe it’s because were scared or because we don’t care?
Maybe they don’t like the way you talk or the way you walk?
So tell me one thing – why are you waiting for the question? Why are you waiting for the rain?
Go ahead – try to ask them instead!
Shock them all – you might just be pleased with the answer?

Or are you afraid?

by SnitzDK

So that is it! Here is a little song on the go!

Tuesday 2 September 2014

What do you want to see?

Independence .... is loyalty to one's best self and principles, and this is often disloyalty to the general idols and fetishes.- Notebook, 1888

Mark Twain

So I just heard a danish song, and it made me wonder who am I? And what do I want to see... Is it any different from what I see today?
So here it goes, please remember that this is right from the heart - nothing is corrected.

Who are you to change my thinking?
Who are you to change my mind?

JUST a poster on the wall.

Who are you trying to feel what I feel?
Who are you trying to make me fit in?

JUST a poster in the tube.

Who are you to show me art?
Who are you to tell me whats good and bad?

JUST a poster in the hall-

Who are you to make me mad?
Who are you to make me feel bad?

Just a poster after all.

So that was it, here is another danish song for you! By the one and only - DJ Static.
I'm out - SnitzDK

Sunday 31 August 2014

Everything I am - thinking about the old people at home


This poem started out in a thougt about me, and then I thougt.. well who made me, me?
My parents, both of them. I love them - though silly and sometimes to serious, all that has happened around them them has seemed to only make them... more them? I know this does not make to much sense.. so here it goes. Read it with or without this in mind...

Everything I am

Everything I am
Is everything the world made me?
Everything I become
Is how I react
Everything I do while reacting
I do thinking of everybody else

Everything I am thinking is because of what happened to you
What happened to you was out of your control.

Everything is not out of my control, I learn that from another you
I learn to enjoy every moment

Everything I am trying to do is enjoying


 ... Ok yeah, it's a Miley song, don't hate - hear.

I'm out , SnitzDK

London stealing your heart!

Hallo people!

Yes, this is my new blog! As you may notice! Out of sight and out of mind, well that's not a saying I use to much... I might be what you call a thinker - It runs in the family!

So here you go, a little song by Ed Sheeran and a poem to read while you go!

London stealing my mind!

I’m watching everything
I’m seeing every thing
I’m thinking of every thing
I’m in London, London is in me!

I’m watching but I can’t follow
I’m seeing but I can’t keep up
I’m thinking, so is everyone else
I’m in London, London is changing

It’s spinning while I watch
It’s developing while I see
It’s doing everything while I think
I wanna be London, London is in me

You are mine, but I’m nothing to you?
London I want you, but do you want me?
Just say YES!
Yes I will
Yes I do
Yes I can watch, see and think
Yes I can become a Londonist
Yes I can develop
My heart belongs to London
I’m in London.
                             London is in me.

I'm out! SnitzDK